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We are living through a global pandemic, with no firm idea how long it will last, whether or not we or our loved ones will be infected by this virus (or worse, die from it), or how long our lives will be upended. This uncertainty can cause and/or heighten anxiety and fear. For those living alone, it will severely increase their isolation from others. The COVID-19 virus and recommended strategies to “flatten the curve” or slow the spread of the disease increase the risk of suicide among those already most vulnerable. For others, it creates a risk that was low or did not exist prior to the pandemic.

The extreme stress and uncertainty of global infectious disease outbreaks like COVID-19, along with the often difficult nature of the medical response, require special attention to the needs of healthcare personnel. Taking care of yourself and encouraging others to practice self-care sustains the ability to care for those in need.

If you’re feeling stressed or nervous during these days, you’re not alone. Uncertainty and the sense of not being safe — not to mention physical distancing, round-the-clock news and empty grocery shelves — are stressful. What you’re feeling is common around the world.

If the current pandemic situation has you feeling anxious, scared, depressed, or just needing someone to talk to, there are a number of options available for support by phone.

With news of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak everywhere, many parents are wondering how to bring up the epidemic in a way that will be reassuring and not make kids more worried than they already may be.

As concerns about COVID-19 (Coronavirus) continue to spread, and its impact is felt locally, many people may be feeling distressed. It is very normal, and even expected, for stress and anxiety to be heightened during times of crisis.

The Columbiana County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board and the Columbiana County Faith-Based Collaborative recently sponsored a training event for faith-based leaders and providers, entitled “The Missing Link: It Starts With You. Faith and Community Address Mental Health and Substance Use Issues.”