Continuous Quality Improvement and Strategic Planning

The Board's Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) System has the following goals:

  • Improve service and client outcomes
  • Support the Board’s mission to provide the highest quality prevention, treatment, and recovery services
  • Promote implementation and sustainability of evidence-based approaches for Board priority populations
  • Inform Board funding and contracting decisions

The System-Wide Quality Improvement Committee serves as the oversight group for all quality improvement activities. The committee includes a person recovering with addiction, a person recovering with a mental illness, quality improvement staff of the Board’s contract providers, and Board staff. It is convened and chaired by the Board. The committee’s role is to review and analyze satisfaction and outcomes data and make recommendations designed to achieve the CQI goals. The Quality Improvement activities are all embedded within the Board’s comprehensive community plan, which is approved by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. This ensures the Board maintains its focus, monitors progress toward goals, and initiates a course correction when performance is not on track.

The committee is directly responsible to the Board's Executive Director. The Quality Improvement Plan directs the activities of the committee, and results are documented in agendas, minutes, and reports. Annual quality improvement results are submitted to the Board of Directors, members of the CQI Committee, and other stakeholders as appropriate. Results are used to inform the overall Board plan and the Executive Director’s goals, which are set annually as part of the Executive Director’s evaluation process.

The Board views needs assessment as a continuous, ongoing process to inform its Quality Improvement activities. The Board ensures regular input from people in recovery and stakeholders, and utilizes both quantitative and qualitative data. Data is obtained from multiple sources, including client perception of care surveys, program and service outcomes, timely access to care information, and results of on-site program and client record reviews.

Community Plan

In order to meet legal requirements, the Columbiana County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board must submit a Community Assessment and Plan to the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) that describes the current conditions and issues in our regions and our identified priorities for treatment and recovery support services and prevention services.

Of particular interest and importance to OhioMHAS are areas identified as priorities by Governor DeWine's RecoveryOhio Initiative, including:

  • Access and capacity changes in mental health and addiction services for both adults and children/youth
  • Health equity concerns for racial and ethnic minorities and people living in Appalachia or rural Ohio
  • Distinctive challenges for multisystem youth, families involved in child welfare, and criminal justice-involved Ohioans
  • Prevention and/or decrease of opiate overdoses and/or deaths
  • Suicide prevention

CCMHRSB’s Community Assessment and Plan

CCMHRSB Strategic Plan