Changing Lives Through Caring, Prevention, & Recovery

The Columbiana County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board has been serving the residents of Columbiana County since 1969. The Board contracts with service agencies to provide treatment and support for persons with mental health and substance use problems. The Board plans, funds, and monitors a comprehensive system of mental health and substance use services for both children and adults.

Public accountability for the system is assured through a governing board composed of professionals, family members, civic leaders, and individuals recovering with mental illnesses and substance use issues.

Quality Services Key to Recovery

The mission of the MHRS Board is to effectively administer public funds to achieve the highest quality prevention and treatment services, to promote healthy behavior, to support rehabilitation, and to advocate for recovery from mental illnesses and substance use issues.

Our Values

  • Partnering with the community in determining priorities and in achieving our goals.
  • Services and supports that are effective, culturally relevant, and provided by competent staff and volunteers.
  • Leadership from persons with mental illnesses or substance use disorders and those who support them, including their involvement in the design, provision, and evaluation of services.
  • Recovery for all experiencing mental illnesses or substance use issues, along with opportunities for them to participate fully in their communities.
  • Accountability - both service accountability through the use of best practices and fiscal accountability through the efficient use of resources.
  • Leadership from the community at large in planning and in achieving our goals.

Our Vision

Children and adults at risk for, or having, mental illness or substance use disorders, will have the opportunity for prevention services, growth, recovery, and inclusion in the community. Stigma will be eliminated, and the community will understand, accept, embrace, and support people's efforts to enjoy a quality of life that includes family and friends. They will have access to services and supports of their choice which are respectful and understanding of their unique culture.

All county residents will have access to information and supports that encourage the adoption of health practices which enhance their mental health and prevent substance abuse.

Columbiana County communities will have agreed upon methods for addressing mental health and addiction issues that increase the likelihood that this vision will be realized. The taxpayers of Columbiana County will understand, support, and be satisfied with the way public dollars are spent to support this vision and with the benefits derived from their tax dollars.